Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blog #2 Big idea Collage

My Big Idea is Uncertainty. It can be sort of hard to describe, ironically enough, but I came up with about 6 synonyms. I narrowed it down to four major ones...

1) Confused: Confusion is pretty much the heart of uncertainty. I am confused about so many things in my life. Some examples would be school, work, and relationships. It starts out as a confusing thought that I begin to over analyze leading me to be very uncertain about them.

2) Perplexed: Perplexed may seem too close to the idea of confusion. But to me, perplexed  relates more to really thinking about the things you are uncertain about and getting stuck trying to make sense of them.

3) Lost: Like I said in the blog before this, being lost has positive and negative connotations. It can also be taken both literally and figuratively. You can easily lose your direction in life or stay off a path that was made for you to make you own. The metaphors really are endless.

4) Question: I think this is sort of self explanatory, uncertainty and questions go hand in hand. I guess you just have to be careful that you are asking the right ones.

After I searched these on flickr.com these were the tags I thought connected well with my original ideas...

1) Confused Tags: College, dazed, adventure, frustrated, human, learning, stuck, and mind. I chose to only represent human in my collage.

2) Perplexed Tags: Befuddle, friends, curiosity, and explore. Curiosity rought up the best pictures on flickr so that is what I put in the collage.

3) Lost Tags: Faraway, listening, scared, religion. Listening and scared had good results on flickr but they were too similar to other synonyms. So, I put religion in the collage since that is another important part of this big idea.

4) Question Tags: Problem and contemplate. The 'Contemplate' pictures on flickr were really interesting and I thought they connected well with other words like confused and religion and lost, so I was sure to put those pictures in my collage.


  1. This is a great blog entry. Megan you are so talented, to even organize your blog so neatly is an impressive action itself.
