Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Responding to Brainstorming

ART ED 252


Write a 100-150 word description of your Big Idea. Include the following in this short
1. Clearly state what your Big Idea is
2. Provide relevant connected issues and concerns in relation to the Big Idea
3. Discuss visual themes in your Visual Brainstorming assignment and the
relationship they have with the Big Idea
4. Provide an explanation for the significance of this Big Idea to you. Why did you
choose this Big Idea?

My Big Idea is Uncertainty. I think some relevant connected issues and concerns in relation to my Big Idea, would be things like being lost, questioning your surroundings and life in general, looking at aspects of religion, and just being unsure of what the next step in your life is going to be and how it will affect you in the long run. In my brainstorming assignment I started out with images of long winding roads, halls, or paths, some have people wandering on them, some don't, to sort of portray that aspect of either being lost, or just searching for something. I think the roads and paths are sort of metaphorical for our "roads and path in life" as well. I also found some images of stair cases and rail road tracks to represent that complex repetition of following a certain path, if that makes sense. I tried to find a good range of human faces, all wearing concerned or confused expressions. I also found some images of road signs and maps to further explore the idea of being lost r finding the right direction in life or just literally. I put in a few images of churches to represent that religion is tied in with uncertainty a lot as well. This Big idea is significant to me being I feel really uncertain in my life right now. I am scared to be growing up and I hate how much responsibilities are piling up in my life, I don't enjoy my job too much, well I like one of them, but not the other. I also am uncertain of what I should do with my life, if art education is the right major for me or if I wouldn't be good at it. I could seriously go on for hours about all the things I am uncertain about right now and it's really driving me crazy (that's just a figure of speech though). So, I feel like I can connect with this Big Idea, my only concern is that it's too broad and no one else will  grasp it.

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